I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

by khristin ann Friday, August 19, 2005 at 9:25 PM

I took this picture of myself one night. It was when we were first moving in and I was pretty bored. And well....nevermind. Today at work I peeled off my fake nail. It was both gross and painful. Some days I am real productive at work. I bought some silver glitter wire on ebay and it is rather tacky. Honestly. Somebody baked cookies at our house today. I love them, who ever did it.

Here is an advertisement for Katie P's bday---- Anyone who wants to go out in good old a-town next friday (the 26th) for Katie's bday, feel free to come. I have taken the liberty to invite everyone I know, since most of her friends are either little kids or out of town. I promise it will be a good time. call me.

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